Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The Fish of Maui

The Rainbowfish have been busy this week creating their very own New Zealand that Maui fished out of the sea! 

We experimented with different Maori and Pacific Island patterns. 
Take a look at what we did!!

First we designed our Maori and Pacific Island patterns using bright colour crayons. 

Next we used green dye and let it dry over night. 

Finally we cut out the North and South Islands and stuck them onto blue paper.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

We Made Chalk!!

This week the Rainbow Fish had lots of fun making chalk! We were able to go outside and test our new chalk during discovery time! 

As part of our Mad Scientist week all of the children wrote down the instructions on how to make chalk.  

First I Mixed the water with the Plaster. Second I added the food colouring. Last I waited for it to dry. - By Calais 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Mad Scientist Week - Mentos and Coke

Watch what happens when Miss Robertson drops the Mentos into the Coke bottle!!!

Here are some of the re-counts that we wrote after we watched the experiment.... 

The Coke was on the field and Miss Robertson put the Mentos in the Coke bottle and the Coke exploded! - By Cedrick 

Miss Robertson put the Mentos in the Coke. The Coke exploded and it was cool. - By Hasim

Miss Robertson put the Mentos in the Coke and the Coke exploded up in the air! - By Agins

Monday, 29 July 2013

Welcome back Rainbowfish!

I hope you have had a fantastic holiday and are ready for a very exciting and busy term 3! We are starting off the term with our Class assembly in week 1.

Here is a sneak preview!